Paws & Pages
Our Paws & Pages Program
is an enriching experience that fosters both a love for books and positive interactions between people and animals.
It emphasizes the connection between the dogs (paws) and the reading activity (pages).
What is Paws & Pages?
The Paws & Pages Program was developed to help decrease the arousal and stress levels of dogs on the adoption floor as people pass through. Many shelters across the US utilize kennel reading programs to help dogs learn to enjoy quiet time around people.
The human contact is a valuable enrichment opportunity for people of all ages and abilities.

How Does It Work?
Let us know ahead of time that you would like to visit and read. On the day you visit, bring your favorite book.
Younger kids can sit outside of a dogs kennel, adults are asked to go a step further and sit in the kennel with them!
The steps to take are as follows:
• Enter the dog’s kennel only when the dog has four paws on the floor and is waiting quietly.
Ignore inappropriate behavior, such as barking, jumping, whining, etc.
• Make good judgments about when to exit the kennel if the dog continues to behave inappropriately even when he is ignored.
• Practice self-restraint in wanting to play with the dogs in the kennel or turn the focus of the reading session into playtime for the dogs.
• Volunteers will acknowledge the dog’s presence in the kennel by quickly patting his head when the dog approaches with good manners, and then carry on with their reading.
• At the completion of each reading session, the volunteer will fill out the session log and behavior observation log.