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There are several benefits of boarding with us.

Your dog will have scheduled potty breaks, access to our large fenced yard, their own personal outdoor kennel. We also provide walks, one on one attention and quiet time in the office if needed.​

Requirements and Fees


All dogs must be up to date on vaccines.


This includes Kennel Cough, which must be given 2 weeks before your stay.

Food & Medicine

We ask that you bring your dogs food with you. This will eliminate a lot of stomach issues.


If your dog needs routine medicine, please let us know ahead of time so we can set up our tracking paperwork.


1 Dog: $25
2 Dogs 1 Kennel: $35
3 Small Dogs 1 Kennel: $45
Giant Breed Dogs 80lb and over $35

Boarding Drop off & Pick Up Hours:
8:30am -12pm

Pick Up After 12pm there will be a $15 late fee.

Day Boarding Hours: 8:30a-4:45p
$15 per dog



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